Abby started the Ketogenic lifestyle in 2017 after doing just about every other diet. She was consistently losing weight and then would gain it right back on the weekend. She found it hard to stick to other diets because she was always hungry and having cheat meals. She thought she could exercise the pounds away.
After weeks of research she finally decided to give Keto a try, but vowed it would only be for 6 weeks. After week 1 and the surge of energy, focus, and results she saw, she was hooked!
Abby has lost over 130 lbs and 145 inches.
While Abby is very passionate about the Ketogenic lifestyle she credits all of her success to the revelation God gave her about stewarding her body. She was able to acknowledge she has a food addiction and was using food to cope with trauma from childhood, depression, and anxiety. It was when she was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression after the birth of her son that she was at her lowest point in life. Feeling suicidal and lost, she had an encounter with her savior, Jesus Christ that changed everything. She now stands firm against her addiction knowing that self control and discipline is a fruit of the spirit and the more time she spends with God, the better it gets and that “anything that we put before God is out of order, including food”.
She now spends her time sharing her family’s faith, ketogenic lifestyle, and helping others get freedom from food addiction. While she loves helping people through her business, she is fully confident that it is not a meal plan or grocery list that is helping people. It is the power of her testimony and encouragement of others to place God first to allow him to meet their needs instead of reliance on “comfort foods’