Tag: europe


Ketogenic Dietary Therapies Innsbruck

Find out more at https://keto-med.com/

Herzliche Einladung zur „Tagung für Ketogene Ernährungstherapien – von Empirie zur Evidenz“!

Es ist uns eine große Freude, Sie vom 7. bis 9. November 2024 im AC Hotel Marriott in Innsbruck begrüßen zu dürfen. Diese Veranstaltung, organisiert von der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (ÖGKJ) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Internationalen Fachgesellschaft für kohlenhydratreduzierte und ketogene Ernährungsformen (KetoMed), verspricht ein spannendes Forum für Expert:innen und Interessierte zu sein.

Unser Programm umfasst ein breites Spektrum von Themen: Wir beginnen mit einer Einführung in die Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft der ketogenen Ernährungstherapie (KET). Es folgen Sitzungen zu den biochemischen Grundlagen der KET, praktischen Aspekten ihrer Anwendung und den möglichen Nebenwirkungen.

Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Anwendung der KET in verschiedenen medizinischen Situationen. Diskutiert werden ihr Einsatz unter anderem bei angeborenen Stoffwechselstörungen, Epilepsie im Kindes- und Erwachsenenalter, multipler Sklerose, Nierenerkrankungen, dem polyzystischen Ovar Syndrom, onkologischen Erkrankungen und Diabetes mellitus. Ebenso wird der Einfluss der KET auf psychiatrische Erkrankungen, einschließlich Autismus, beleuchtet. Abgerundet wird das Programm durch praktische Tipps für die Anwendung von KET und Diskussionen über Lebensqualität und kognitive Veränderungen unter dieser Ernährungsform.

Neben den wissenschaftlichen Vorträgen bietet die Tagung auch die Möglichkeit, sich auszutauschen und aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zu diskutieren. Im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit möchten wir die Tagung als Green Event gestalten und rufen deshalb dazu auf, zur Anreise die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel zu nutzen. Der Hauptbahnhof Innsbruck ist in wenigen Minuten fußläufig erreichbar.

Wir freuen uns über Ihre Teilnahme!

A Keto Adventure

A Keto Adventure in Italy

Information and tickets at https://www.millevietravel.com/a-keto-adventure

Milan. Lake Como. Cinque Terre. Tuscany. Rome.
June 2-11, 2023

A collection of must-see stops for poets, artists, and lovers alike

Join international bestselling author and wellness expert Maria Emmerich for a fun and flavorful keto-friendly adventure, where you’ll delve into the connection between food and feeling through a series of intimate lectures on the ketogenic lifestyle – all paired alongside exquisite local tastings and rich historical landmarks.

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Ancestral Health Symposium NL – Amsterdam

Info and tickets: https://ancestralhealth.nl/symposium-2022-announcement/

On Saturday June 11 2022, the AHS Netherlands is organising its 5th symposium with a spectacular line-up! Gary Taubes, Eric C. Westman, Amy Berger, Tim Noakes, Yvo Sijpkens and Frits Muskiet have all agreed to speak. With these speakers and you as enthusiastic visitors, we are assured of a wonderful day full of science and experience!

On this day we put nutrition and lifestyle at the forefront of the fight for health from an evolutionary perspective. What mechanisms are behind the mismatch hypothesis and how do we reverse the trail to degenerative disease?

Sign up now for our Lustrum Symposium and procure a ticket for this unique event. When you register for the symposium you pay €129 ($151) which includes a hot paleo/keto lunch. Take a look at the programme!

Low Carb Universe

Low Carb Universe 2023

The Low Carb Universe 2023 is a 100% real food retreat, filled with knowledge from international health experts, connection, joy, movement, yoga, spa and more. It’s a more intimate event, offering you great access to likeminded people.

It’s a very interactive event, where lectures are mixed with workshops. This allows both speakers and guests to dive deeper into their selected topics.

Global Symposium

7th Global Symposium On Medical Ketogenic Dietary Therapies

Over the past twenty years, medical, scientific, and allied health professionals as well as non-profit organizations representing the major continents on Earth have regularly convened on an annual or biennial basis to promote knowledge and awareness about the Ketogenic Diet and its variants for epilepsy and other neurological conditions (such as brain cancer, autism, and cognitive disorders – among others). These conferences have been held in diverse locations, including London/Gatwick, Liverpool and Edinburgh (United Kingdom), Seattle (Washington, USA), Pavia (Italy), Phoenix (Arizona, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Banff (Alberta, Canada), and Jeju (South Korea). Furthermore, attendance at each meeting has steadily grown from a mere dozen to well over 700 individuals.

More recently, global leaders have worked diligently to create a new society devoted to the advancement of the broad spectrum of metabolism-based therapies for neurological disorders – from clinical, educational, research, training, community outreach and advocacy perspectives. This professional organization has been named the International Neurological Ketogenic Society or INKS. INKS will be formally launched during the upcoming October 2021 Brighton (United Kingdom) symposium, and this will coincide with the 100th Anniversary of the birth of the Ketogenic Diet. Brighton is the vibrant and colourful seaside community on the south coast of Britain that holds numerous cultural, historical and family-friendly attractions, with remarkable parks and gardens for all to enjoy (www.visitbrighton.com).

On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Program Committees for the 2021 Brighton symposium which will be held October 19th-22nd (www.globalketo.com), we encourage you to register and attend virtually or in person. The program promises to afford the latest clinical and scientific research, and practical information about medical metabolic therapies. Further, this symposium will offer a memorable centennial celebration of the Ketogenic Diet. We look forward to networking with you this Autumn.

Ancestral Health Symposium NL 2021

On Saturday 2 October 2021, the AHS Netherlands is organizing its 5th symposium with a spectacular line-up! Tim Noakes, Gary Taubes, Eric C. Westman, Amy Berger and Leo Pruimboom have agreed to speak. With these speakers and you as enthusiastic visitors, we are assured of a wonderful day full of science and experience!

On this day we put nutrition and lifestyle at the forefront of the fight for health from an evolutionary perspective. What mechanisms are behind the mismatch hypothesis and how do we reverse the trail to degenerative disease?

You can now register for the symposium with an early bird discount. When registering before August 2021 you pay €109 ($133) instead of €129 ($158)!

Italy with Maria

Keto Italy Trip 2022

Tickets and Info: https://mariamindbodyhealth.com/italy-with-maria/

Oh how life has changed with Covid19. In many ways, my life is the same. We work from home, we already home schooled our boys, I cut my own hair, I prefer movies at home, I prefer to cook at home or a picnic over going to a restaurant. However, I missed exploring the World.

I love to travel and I have been very blessed to see many parts of the World. I can honestly say, my favorite trip ever was my Keto Italy Trips!

If you have missed traveling too, you must join me on the most amazing VIP Italy with Maria adventure 2022 with Millevie Travel!

That’s right! I have been asked to teach Keto while traveling the most beautiful areas of Italy and YOU are invited!

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The Meat-ing

I am hosting the MEAT-ING event with the goal of reversing the negative information spread regarding meat consumption today. People need to get educated in numerous aspects of this important topic. I believe this should be done with respect and knowledge. We are a large following who believe in this cause and in order to spread the word, I have invited speakers from all over the world for this two-day event.

The event will take place in the city of Malmoe in the Greater Copenhagen region.

The conference will cover meat from different perspectives. Anthropological, religious, farming, current affairs, climate, medical, nutrition and the opposite plant toxins. An important purpose of the event is to get media attention to this important topic due to the current misinformation regarding the meat industry.
David Bodiroza