Tag: North Carolina

keto with Casey roadshow

Go Keto with Casey Roadshow

Info and tickets at https://caseydurango.com/gkwc-roadshow-2022/go-keto-with-casey-roadshow-2022

I’m back to taking things “on the road.” The first event is October 8-9, 2022, in Greensboro, NC. This will be an intimate, elbow-to-elbow, fun weekend. We’ll be hanging out with each as well as with three world experts on the ketogenic protocol. Seriously, the experts! You can chat one-on-one with Jackie Eberstein, Dr. Eric Westman, and the brilliant Amy Berger.

Sunday’s main event will be a cookout at the newest, largest shelter at Greensboro’s Country Park. In addition to our day together, there are many diversions at the park: The Natural Science Center, a new carousel, zip-line, pedal boats, walking trails, and an off-leash bark park. Everything is planned to relax, laugh, meet new people, and have “up close and personal” time with some of my smart friends. I look forward to seeing you all! ?

Event cover raleigh



Join the Adapt Your Life team, and leading obesity expert, international speaker, and best-selling author, Eric Westman MD MHS, together with Wickham Simonds MD, Eric Thorne, MD FACC, Jacqueline Eberstein, RN, Amy Berger, CNS, Kristie Sullivan & Casey Durango for a full-day community conference with presentations rooted in the science.

Whether you’re a beginner or you’re more advance; looking to lose body fat, improve your health, get off your medications, or find a way of eating that you can enjoy for the long term, we can show you the way — the simple way! No tracking of food, no measuring macros, just by eating the right foods.

Meet the speakers and mingle with your fellow ‘low carb’ community for a full day of fun, education, Q & A, book signing, vendors, local low-carb meet-up groups, delicious healthy lunch, raffle prizes, success stories, and more.

Virtual Ketogenic Solution for Lymphatic/Fat Disorders Conference 2021

The Symposium will feature:

  • World-renowned speakers
  • Interactive LIVE Q&As and panel discussions
  • Vendor presentations of products and services
  • Access to replays of the entire event

About our VIRTUAL Symposium

The idea of using diet for the treatment of lymphatic/fat disorders is rapidly gaining ground.  Come explore and learn how a ketogenic diet can lead to improved management of these chronic conditions.

Our goal with the Ketogenic Solution for Lymphatic/Fat Disorders Conference is to develop and provide useful strategies for clinicians, therapists, medical providers, and researchers for integrating ketogenic nutrition into their practices as well as to enhance outcomes in lymphatic treatments. Additionally, there will be a patient track to learn about, begin, enhance or expand your ketogenic lifestyle.

This first of what will be become an annual conference is expected to have attendees from all parts of the globe.  Both the professional and the patient tracks will provide numerous opportunities for learning and for social connection. Going virtual online also makes it more accessible to many more than those who could normally attend in person.